NNDC Momentum Grants

NNDC Momentum Grants

Each year, NNDC Task Groups are invited to apply for NNDC Momentum Grants to fund pilot projects that can be used to generate proposals for larger federal or foundation grants.

Each application will be ranked by a review committee composed of the NNDC Executive Committee and the Task Group Coordinating Committee Co-Chairs. As many as two (2) $10,000 grants will be funded. While a variety of types of projects are welcomed for consideration, priority will be given to proposals that include the following:

  1. Achievement of a tangible product (e.g., publication, presentation, or poster) as part of the proposal period – not just as a future goal;
  2. The likelihood of parlaying the grant into a proposal for external funding;
  3. Encompass one or more of the following NNDC Strategic Plan Goals:
      • Collaboration is our best tool to advance scientific understanding. We want our members to engage not only within and across our own Task Groups, but with partner organizations outside the NNDC as well (e.g., DBSA, APA, CAN-BIND).
      • Research discoveries are great – but we need to be translating those discoveries into clinical care. We look to our Task Groups to publish best practices and research findings, develop presentations or educational materials for psychiatric and non-psychiatric communities alike, and pave the way for widespread sharing of NNDC expertise.
      • Big data, big data, big data! We encourage our Task Groups to leverage the research capabilities of the Mood Outcomes Program, take advantage of existing Task Group research resources and projects, and build upon previous NNDC research findings.
  4. Areas of focus set by the NNDC Executive Committee, which vary each year.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to apply for a Momentum Grant?

All NNDC Task Groups are eligible to apply for a Momentum Grant. Funding for Momentum Grant projects will only be awarded to projects developed and implemented by a Task Group. Proposals must be reviewed and approved by the Task Group before being submitted to the NNDC. Proposals that have not been discussed by a Task Group will not be accepted.

How do I apply for a Momentum Grant?

Task Groups seeking to apply for Momentum Grant funding must complete the Momentum Grant Application and Productivity Template document. The application must include, at minimum, an abstract describing the scientific question, methods, and aims, as well as a high-level summary of major project milestones and a high-level budget overview. The productivity template must detail each of the primary goals of the project, including timeframe and any deliverable products. Additional supplementary material (such as a cover letter or detailed protocol) is not required but may be submitted along with the application and productivity template as is relevant to the project.

How can funding be used for a Momentum Grant project?

The NNDC recommends that Momentum Grant projects be structured under an expense reimbursement model; i.e., receipts or invoices for expenses incurred during the project period are to be submitted to the coordinating NNDC staff member for reimbursement. Contract labor (e.g. data analyst) may be handled in the same manner by having invoices submitted to the NNDC for payment directly by the contractor. Payments will not be made to any academic institution that is not a member of the NNDC or formally affiliated with a member of the NNDC.

Does the NNDC cover indirect costs?

Momentum Grant funds are intended for direct project costs, not reimbursement of indirect costs. The expense reimbursement model described above is the recommended approach for managing monies received. However, if an organization requires that a portion of an award be allocated to overhead, the indirect cost rate can be no more than 10% of the total amount funded. The Momentum Grant award amount constitutes the total amount of funding available for the project. Investigators should clarify these arrangements with their institution(s) before submission of a proposal.

What reporting is required of Momentum Grant awardees?

A Momentum Grant update is required as part of the annual Task Group Progress Report submitted to the NNDC Executive Committee.

How can I learn about the types of proposals that have been awarded Momentum Grant funding in the past?

Please refer to the examples listed on this page.

Recent Awards
Biomarkers Task Group (PIs: Balwinder Singh, MD, MS & Rima Kaddurah-Daouk, PhD), “Metabolomic Biomarkers of Treatment Response Associated with Intravenous Racemic Ketamine for Treatment-Resistant Depression: The Bio-K Multicenter Trial”, 2022.

This research proposal aims to investigate the metabolic changes associated with ketamine treatment in patients with treatment-resistant depression. By analyzing blood samples from patients who have received ketamine infusions, the study aims to identify specific metabolites that correlate with ketamine response and could potentially serve as biomarkers for treatment effectiveness. The findings could lead to a better understanding of how ketamine works and help personalize treatment for individuals with depression.

Child and Adolescent Mood Disorders Task Group (PI: Rebekah Huber, PhD), “Pilot Study to Examine the Utility and Feasibility of Implementing Brief Cognitive Assessment in Clinical Practice for Youth with Bipolar Disorder”, 2022.

This research project aims to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of using a brief cognitive assessment tool in clinical practice for young patients with bipolar disorder. The study will assess and track the cognitive abilities of participants over time, providing scores and interpretations to healthcare providers.

Neuromodulation Task Group (PI: Nicholas Trapp, MD, MS), “Update McClintock et al 2018 NNDC consensus recommendations manuscript describing the use of TMS in treating mood disorders”, 2022.

This is an effort to update and provide new recommendations for the use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in the treatment of mood disorders, such as depression. Several new, practice-changing studies and publications have emerged since the previous set of recommendations by the NNDC were released in 2018 (McClintock et al.) This project will review the latest research through 2022 and provide mental health clinicians with the most up-to-date and practical information on the use of TMS. The project involves a comprehensive literature review, drafting a manuscript, achieving consensus among experts, and disseminating the recommendations through conferences and publications.

Treatment Resistant Depression Task Group (PI: Vitaliy Voytenko, PsyD), “Guidelines and Protocols for Developing and Implementing a TRD Consultation Program”, 2021.

The goals of this project are to develop guidelines and protocols for creating and implementing a consultation program specifically for Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD), a condition where standard depression treatments have been ineffective. The project will compile best practices from leading academic health centers to create a practical guide that can enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of TRD clinics. The goal is to improve access to personalized treatment recommendations and address health disparities in depression care. The resulting guidelines will be published and potentially piloted across multiple centers.

Neuromodulation Task Group (PIs: Paul Croarkin DO, MS & Laura Cabrera, PhD), “Attitudes and ethical concerns toward use of TMS in depressed adolescents: a qualitative study of recipients and their parents”, 2021.

This study seeks to understand the opinions and concerns of both adolescents and their parents regarding the use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and theta burst stimulation (TBS) for treating adolescent depression. By conducting interviews with depressed adolescents and their parents, the study aims to gather insights that can inform the responsible and ethical use of these neuropsychiatric interventions in young patients and shape future research in this area. Participants are currently being recruited. For more details, please visit the website “Penn State Neuroethics Lab TMS Adolescent Project”. https://sites.psu.edu/neuroethicslab/research/tms-adolescent-project/

Bipolar Disorders Task Group (PI: Jessica Lipschitz, PhD), “Identifying Best Practices in Longitudinal Tracking of Manic Symptoms in Patients with Bipolar Disorder”, 2021.

This project aims to identify the best methods for tracking manic symptoms in patients with bipolar disorder over time. Currently, there are limited self-report instruments available for accurately assessing manic symptoms. This study will evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of two newly developed self-report measures, in comparison to existing assessment tools. The findings will help inform the use of measurement-based care in bipolar disorder treatment and may contribute to the development of improved assessment tools in the future.

Highlighted Awards
College Mental Health Task Group (PI: Marcia Morris, MD), “Ten Year Trends in Types of Psychiatric Medications Used by College Students, With a Focus on Treatment for Depression and Anxiety”, 2019.

This research project aimed to examine trends in the use of psychiatric medications by college students over the past decade, with a specific focus on the treatment of depression and anxiety. The researchers analyzed data from the Healthy Minds Study, which surveyed over 200,000 college students across the country. The findings provided insights into medication prescribing patterns, access to mental health services, and the relationship between substance use and mental health symptoms. The results informed healthcare providers, administrators, and policymakers on trends and best practices in medication treatment for college students.


  • Hoeflich, C. C., Nutley, S., Striley, C. W., Miller, L., Riba, M. B., & Morris, M. R. (2022). Current psychiatric treatment for college students with depression only, anxiety only, or comorbid depression & anxiety (2013-2019). Journal of Affective Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2022.09.133
  • Morris, M. R., Hoeflich, C. C., Nutley, S., Ellingrod, V. L., Riba, M. B., & Striley, C. W. (2021). Use of psychiatric medication by college students: A decade of data. Pharmacotherapy, 41(4), 350–358. https://doi.org/10.1002/phar.2513
  • Morris, M. R., Nutley, S. K., Striley, C. W., & Pumariega, A. J. (2021). Psychiatric medications prescribed on-campus and off-campus for university students: Differences in demographics, types of medication, and satisfaction with services. Journal of American College Health: J of ACH, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2021.1942002
Women’s Mood Disorders Task Group (PIs: Sandra Weiss & Heather Flynn), "Advancing Women's Mental Health: A Collaborative Study on Mood Disorders and Substance Use", 2017 & 2018.

This initiative aimed to improve the understanding of mood disorders in women through collaborative research. This Task Group successfully conducted a pilot study involving multiple sites, which highlighted the need for standardized measures and coordination across studies. For the second phase of the project, they aimed to refine their screening tool and expand data collection to additional sites, with the goal of providing valuable data for future grant applications and studying the relationship between substance use, particularly opioid misuse, and mental health in women.


  • Carlini, S. V., Weiss, S. J., Mordukhaev, L., Jacob, S., Flynn, H. A., & Deligiannidis, K. M. (2022). Clinical correlates of women endorsing premenstrual suicidal ideation: a cross-sectional study. BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 16(1), 23. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13030-022-00252-3
  • Goodman, S. H., Muzik, M., Simeonova, D. I., Kidd, S. A., Owen, M. T., Cooper, B., Kim, C. Y., Rosenblum, K. L., & Weiss, S. J. (2022). Maternal Interaction With Infants Among Women at Elevated Risk for Postpartum Depression. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 737513. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.737513
  • Weiss, S. J., Flynn, H., Christian, L., Hantsoo, L., di Scalea, T. L., Kornfield, S. L., Muzik, M., Simeonova, D. I., Cooper, B. A., Strahm, A., & Deligiannidis, K. M. (2021). Symptom profiles of women at risk of mood disorders: A latent class analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 295, 139–147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2021.08.013
  • Flynn, H. A., Spino, C., Guille, C., Deligiannidis, K. M., Maki, P., Jahnke, J., Rosenblum, K. L., Epperson, C. N., & Weiss, S. J. (2018). A Collaborative, Network-Based Approach to Advance Women’s Depression Research in the United States: Preliminary Findings. Journal of Women’s Health, 27(1), 51–57. https://doi.org/10.1089/jwh.2016.6261
Neuromodulation Task Group, (PIs: Mustafa Husain, MD & Richard Weiner, MD, PhD), “Genome-wide association study of ECT for Treatment-Resistant Depression”, 2018.

This proposal sought funding to pilot a groundbreaking study on the genetics of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD). Led by researchers from the University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins University, and Duke University, the study aimed to identify genetic factors associated with TRD and ECT response. The project brought together ECT centers from around the world to enroll thousands of patients for a genome-wide association study (GWAS). This successful effort led to a larger grant titled “Genetics at an Extreme: An Efficient Genomic Study of Individuals with Clinically Severe Major Depression Receiving ECT” (NIMH 1R01MH121542-01 Zandi 2019-2024).


For more information about NNDC Momentum Grants, please contact Program Manager Mary Laffey ([email protected]).