If you or someone you know is experiencing a psychiatric emergency, please call 911.
The NNDC office is the coordinating center for the network and is unable to provide medical advice, recommend physicians or therapists, or schedule appointments. If you would like to make an appointment, please call one of our member centers – you can visit our list of members to find the center nearest to you. Please also note that NNDC members cannot respond to email requests for specific recommendations regarding treatment. Diagnosis and treatment are complex and highly individualized processes that require comprehensive personal assessment.
General Resources (22)
National Alliance on Mental Health - NAMI
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - AFSP
Healthy Minds
National Institute of Mental Health - NIMH
To Write Love On Her Arms - TWLOHA
American Association of Suicidology - AAS
Anxiety and Depression Association of America - ADAA
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies - ABCT
Ask Hopkins Psychiatry
Mass General MADI Resource Center
Mayo Clinic Patient Information
Medline Plus
Mental Health America - MHA
Befrienders Worldwide
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
Healthy Place
Project Hope & Beyond
Group Beyond Blue
Project Healthy Minds
Multicultural Organizations & Resources (17)
HBCU Center for Excellence in Behavioral Health
National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association - NAAPIMHA
Asian American Psychological Association - AAPA
National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse - NAPAFASA
National Network to Eliminate Disparities - NNED
Office of Minority Mental Health - United States
American Society of Hispanic Psychiatry - ASHP
National Resource Center for Hispanic Mental Health - NRCHMH
National Latina/o Psychological Association - NLPA
Association of Hispanic Mental Health Professionals - AHMHP
Latino Mental Health - NAMI
National Latino Behavioral Association - NLBA
The Association of Black Psychologists
Ourselves Black
Black Mental Health Alliance - BMHA
Black Girls Smile
Black Girl Mental Health
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (3)
Groundbreaking medical research can’t happen without the participation of people like you! Check out the latest listings for research participants at the websites below, as they work to further the knowledge surrounding mood disorders and other poorly researched ailments.