A Farewell to NNDC President Dr. Ray DePaulo & Vice President Dr. Sandra Weiss
As many across the National Network of Depression Centers know, the beginning of 2022 marked Dr. Ray DePaulo’s final term as President of the NNDC Board of Directors. The new year also marked the end of Dr. Sandra Weiss’s tenure as a Board Member and Vice President of the Board. On behalf of the National Network of Depression Centers staff, members, and Board of Directors, we thank Drs. DePaulo and Dr. Weiss for more than ten years of dedicated service with the NNDC. It is an understatement to say that their contributions to our mission and growth as a Network have been significant.
Joining the NNDC Board of Directors at the organization’s founding in 2008, Dr. Ray DePaulo was always a passionate advocate for all things NNDC. This passion and dedication led to his election to Vice President in 2011 and President in 2016. Demonstrated in his work, both internally and externally, Dr. DePaulo truly believes in the power and value of collaborations formed here at the NNDC. Dr. DePaulo served the Network as a steadfast champion for one of our most important initiatives, our Mood Outcomes program, continually encouraging progress. He will continue working with the NNDC Board of Directors as the Immediate Past President to assist the board through the new leadership transition and offer support, advice, and encouragement to the NNDC moving forward. Dr. DePaulo’s visionary leadership ushered the NNDC into a period of growth, and we are excited to continue to build upon the groundwork he has so generously created.
Dr. Sandra Weiss joined the NNDC Board of Directors in 2010. In her tenure with the NNDC, she has served in many different roles, often overlapping, and has been instrumental in much of the organization’s growth in recent years. Most notably, Dr. Weiss’s roles include serving as co-chair of the Women & Mood Disorders Task Group, co-chair of the Task Group Coordinating Committee, and Vice President of the Board of Directors. NNDC Executive Director, Dane Larsen, tells us, “Sandra is a dedicated and thoughtful leader, with a keen insight into the strategic goals and vision of the NNDC and a masterful ability to synthesize ideas and unite network members towards a common goal.” Dr. Weiss demonstrated this vision as a key figure in revitalizing our Task Groups, supporting the network to see incredible growth in this initiative over the last few years, with her wise counsel and patient advice.
We, at the NNDC, are incredibly grateful to have served alongside these two significant pillars of NNDC leadership and cannot thank Dr. Ray DePaulo and Dr. Sandra Weiss enough for the incredible gifts they have shared with all of us throughout their journey.