with this year’s co-hosts, the University of Cincinnati, the Lindner Center of HOPE and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
September 10-11, 2025 | The Graduate by Hilton | 151 Goodman St, Cincinnati, OH

Members and friends! Welcome to Cincinnati for this year’s National Network of Depression Centers Annual Conference, where we unite experts, innovators, and thought leaders to advance depression care and break down barriers to mental health treatment.

We can’t wait to see you in Cincinnati this fall—learn more about this year’s program below!



with this year’s co-hosts, the University of Cincinnati, the Lindner Center of HOPE and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
September 10-11, 2025 | The Graduate by Hilton | 151 Goodman St, Cincinnati, OH

The National Network of Depression Centers (NNDC) is hosting its seventeenth annual conference from September 10-11, 2025 at The Graduate by Hilton. The conference will feature the signature blend of biological, psycho-social and systems-level programming that sets the NNDC Annual Conference apart from other major psychiatric CME events.

Join us for a dynamic set of discussions, lectures, collaboration, presentations and more! In between rigorous academic courses, the event will offer plenty of networking opportunities with NNDC members across the nation, as well as time to connect with this year’s hosts, the University of Cincinnati, The Lindner Center of HOPE, and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

As is typical of our conference, we’re building in lots of breaks to give our members ample face-to-face networking and discussion time. These networking breaks are great opportunities for you as one of our sponsors to renew relationships with world-renowned clinicians, researchers, and academic leaders. Breaks will be long enough to give attendees some extra time to connect.

We hope that attendees find the conference beneficial and are able to learn about the latest research, hear from leading experts, and network with others in the field.

To submit a NNDC 2025 Annual Conference Poster and Abstract Submission, please use the following link to download the NNDC 2025 Annual Conference Poster Abstract Formatting Guidelines.

Apply: Young Investigator Travel Awards

The Conference Program Committee is pleased to offer up to 10 Young Investigator Travel Awards of $1,000 each to eligible conference attendees who present a poster at the NNDC 2025 Annual Conference. This award can be used to cover travel costs associated with attending the conference, including airfare, hotel, ground transportation, parking, and mileage, as appropriate. Awardees still must register for the conference. A 1099 form will be issued to all awardees.

Who is eligible to apply for a Young Investigator Travel Award?

To be eligible to apply for a Young Investigator Travel Award, you must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. Be the author or co-author on the poster that you are presenting at the Annual Conference.
  2. Be a graduate student, fellow, post-doctoral fellow, resident, or junior faculty within five (5) years of fellowship or post-graduate appointment at one of the 27 NNDC Member Sites.

Application Due Date:

Complete applications (including poster abstract) must be submitted for consideration by 5:00 pm EST on July 11, 2025. To apply, download the Young Investigator Travel Award Information and fill out the application in Jotform.


In support of advancement through collaborative mental health research for our member institutions, the National Network of Depression Centers holds an Annual Conference each fall. The Annual Conference is a two-day educational event, bringing together NNDC members to learn from colleagues about the latest developments in the treatment and understanding of mood disorders. This CME-accredited event is hosted by a different NNDC Member Center each year, providing the host site with an opportunity to shine a spotlight on local experts and programs.

The conference is not limited to member institution participants, although researchers and clinicians from member institutions benefit from a discounted ticket rate.


Since the foundation of the NNDC in 2008, the goal of this annual conference has been to bring leading experts from across our network and around the world together to learn, discuss and explore opportunities to work together to address depressions and related mood disorders and improve patient outcomes. The content and theme of each conference is designed to respond to the changes, innovations, or new discoveries in the field of psychiatry.

Each year at this event, the NNDC supports early-career researchers with travel awards to present their research during the scientific poster session.  This session provides an opportunity for emerging scholars to gain feedback from recognized leaders in their field, inspire their colleagues, and compete, along with all the poster presenters, for poster awards. Travel awards are available to emerging scholars actively enrolled at or employed by a current NNDC Member Center. Submission requirements/directions for submissions will be posted in the details of “this year’s conference” when we are accepting submissions.